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Let's Build Dream Together

I found a perfect product and partner with JoomlaShine! I couldn't possibly learn all about templates by myself, starting from scratch. They have such professional, complete but configurable templates with many, many options: lots of user positions!, colors, content elements, module styles, module configurations...

Our Vision

To be the company that satisfies customers' needs with dream houses.

Our Mission

To provide beautiful buildings with good prices and quality consulting.

Our Future

To expend more housing services and spread our brand to the overall world.

What They Say About Us

Here is what they have reviewed our products and services in the last 10 years.

John Clark

Really Amazing!!!

I have never found any building company that consults better and more effectively than JSN Lego. We have worked together to complete a good construction drawing.

David Evans

Good Cooperation

Lego is my favorite construction company over many years. We have worked together for a stunning design of a top world museum, which is not easy to get ideas.

James Cooper

Reliable Choice

They have a professional working style and good attitudes towards customers. Lego team helped us to define the core problem and tried to consult a reasonable price.

Was beinhalten der Newsletter?

  • Ausschreibungsunterlagen
  • Regattaprogramm
  • Ergebnisse und Gesamtwertung
  • verteilt auf 3 bis 5 Newsletter pro Jahr

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Meet Our Super Team

“Work hard and enjoy life harder” - That's how our core team keep motivation and happiness.

John Daniel


Lisa spent years managing design projects of luxury apartments in New York

Bruce Lee


As an expert marketer, Tim believes the must-have thing in business is honest.

Tim Brown


Chris is a challenge hunter who always finds ways to refresh his amazing brain.

Ben Audora


Bill is an ideal model of a self-taught learner and you will learn much from him.

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